Input tasks that collect data from Sentinel-Hub Process API
- class eolearn.io.sentinelhub_process.SentinelHubInputBaseTask(data_collection, size=None, resolution=None, cache_folder=None, config=None, max_threads=None, upsampling=None, downsampling=None, session_loader=None)[source]
Base class for Processing API input tasks
- Parameters:
data_collection (DataCollection) – A collection of requested satellite data.
size (tuple[int, int] | None) – Number of pixels in x and y dimension.
resolution (float | tuple[float, float] | None) – Resolution in meters, passed as a single number or a tuple of two numbers - resolution in horizontal and resolution in vertical direction.
cache_folder (str | None) – Path to cache_folder. If set to None (default) requests will not be cached.
config (SHConfig | None) – An instance of SHConfig defining the service
max_threads (int | None) – Maximum threads to be used when downloading data.
upsampling (ResamplingType | None) – A type of upsampling to apply on data
downsampling (ResamplingType | None) – A type of downsampling to apply on data
session_loader (Callable[[], SentinelHubSession] | None) – A callable that returns a valid SentinelHubSession, used for session sharing. Creates a new session if set to None, which should be avoided in large scale parallelization.
- class eolearn.io.sentinelhub_process.SentinelHubEvalscriptTask(features, evalscript, data_collection, size=None, resolution=None, maxcc=None, time_difference=None, mosaicking_order=None, cache_folder=None, config=None, max_threads=None, upsampling=None, downsampling=None, aux_request_args=None, session_loader=None, timestamp_filter=<function filter_times>)[source]
Process API task to download data using evalscript
- Parameters:
features (FeaturesSpecification) – Features to construct from the evalscript.
evalscript (str) – Evalscript for the request. Beware that all outputs from SentinelHub services should be named and should have the same name as corresponding feature
data_collection (DataCollection) – Source of requested satellite data.
size (tuple[int, int] | None) – Number of pixels in x and y dimension.
resolution (float | tuple[float, float] | None) – Resolution in meters, passed as a single number or a tuple of two numbers - resolution in horizontal and resolution in vertical direction.
maxcc (float | None) – Maximum cloud coverage, a float in interval [0, 1]
time_difference (dt.timedelta | None) – Minimum allowed time difference, used when filtering dates. Also used by the service for mosaicking, timestamps might be misleading for large values.
cache_folder (str | None) – Path to cache_folder. If set to None (default) requests will not be cached.
config (SHConfig | None) – An instance of SHConfig defining the service
max_threads (int | None) – Maximum threads to be used when downloading data.
upsampling (ResamplingType | None) – A type of upsampling to apply on data
downsampling (ResamplingType | None) – A type of downsampling to apply on data
mosaicking_order (str | MosaickingOrder | None) – Mosaicking order, which has to be either ‘mostRecent’, ‘leastRecent’ or ‘leastCC’.
aux_request_args (dict | None) – a dictionary with auxiliary information for the input_data part of the SH request
session_loader (Callable[[], SentinelHubSession] | None) – A callable that returns a valid SentinelHubSession, used for session sharing. Creates a new session if set to None, which should be avoided in large scale parallelization.
timestamp_filter (Callable[[list[dt.datetime], dt.timedelta], list[dt.datetime]]) – A function that performs the final filtering of timestamps, usually to remove multiple occurrences within the time_difference window. Check get_available_timestamps for more info.
- class eolearn.io.sentinelhub_process.SentinelHubInputTask(data_collection, size=None, resolution=None, bands_feature=None, bands=None, additional_data=None, evalscript=None, maxcc=None, time_difference=None, cache_folder=None, config=None, max_threads=None, bands_dtype=None, single_scene=False, mosaicking_order=None, upsampling=None, downsampling=None, aux_request_args=None, session_loader=None, timestamp_filter=<function filter_times>)[source]
Process API input task that loads 16bit integer data and converts it to a 32bit float feature.
- Parameters:
data_collection (DataCollection) – Source of requested satellite data.
size (tuple[int, int] | None) – Number of pixels in x and y dimension.
resolution (float | tuple[float, float] | None) – Resolution in meters, passed as a single number or a tuple of two numbers - resolution in horizontal and resolution in vertical direction.
bands_feature (Feature | None) – A target feature into which to save the downloaded images.
bands (list[str] | None) – An array of band names. If not specified it will download all bands specified for a given data collection.
additional_data (list[Feature] | None) – A list of additional data to be downloaded, such as SCL, SNW, dataMask, etc.
evalscript (str | None) – An optional parameter to override an evalscript that is generated by default
maxcc (float | None) – Maximum cloud coverage.
time_difference (dt.timedelta | None) – Minimum allowed time difference, used when filtering dates. Also used by the service for mosaicking, timestamps might be misleading for large values.
cache_folder (str | None) – Path to cache_folder. If set to None (default) requests will not be cached.
config (SHConfig | None) – An instance of SHConfig defining the service
max_threads (int | None) – Maximum threads to be used when downloading data.
bands_dtype (None | np.dtype | type) – output type of the bands array, if set to None the default is used
single_scene (bool) – If true, the service will compute a single image for the given time interval using mosaicking.
mosaicking_order (str | MosaickingOrder | None) – Mosaicking order, which has to be either ‘mostRecent’, ‘leastRecent’ or ‘leastCC’.
upsampling (ResamplingType | None) – A type of upsampling to apply on data
downsampling (ResamplingType | None) – A type of downsampling to apply on data
aux_request_args (dict | None) – a dictionary with auxiliary information for the input_data part of the SH request
session_loader (Callable[[], SentinelHubSession] | None) – A callable that returns a valid SentinelHubSession, used for session sharing. Creates a new session if set to None, which should be avoided in large scale parallelization.
timestamp_filter (Callable[[list[dt.datetime], dt.timedelta], list[dt.datetime]]) – A callable that performs the final filtering of timestamps, usually to remove multiple occurrences within the time_difference window. Check get_available_timestamps for more info.
- class eolearn.io.sentinelhub_process.SentinelHubDemTask(feature=None, data_collection=DataCollection.DEM, **kwargs)[source]
- Adds DEM data (one of the collections) to
DATA_TIMELESS EOPatch feature.
- Parameters:
features – Features to construct from the evalscript.
evalscript – Evalscript for the request. Beware that all outputs from SentinelHub services should be named and should have the same name as corresponding feature
data_collection (DataCollection) – Source of requested satellite data.
size – Number of pixels in x and y dimension.
resolution – Resolution in meters, passed as a single number or a tuple of two numbers - resolution in horizontal and resolution in vertical direction.
maxcc – Maximum cloud coverage, a float in interval [0, 1]
time_difference – Minimum allowed time difference, used when filtering dates. Also used by the service for mosaicking, timestamps might be misleading for large values.
cache_folder – Path to cache_folder. If set to None (default) requests will not be cached.
config – An instance of SHConfig defining the service
max_threads – Maximum threads to be used when downloading data.
upsampling – A type of upsampling to apply on data
downsampling – A type of downsampling to apply on data
mosaicking_order – Mosaicking order, which has to be either ‘mostRecent’, ‘leastRecent’ or ‘leastCC’.
aux_request_args – a dictionary with auxiliary information for the input_data part of the SH request
session_loader – A callable that returns a valid SentinelHubSession, used for session sharing. Creates a new session if set to None, which should be avoided in large scale parallelization.
timestamp_filter – A function that performs the final filtering of timestamps, usually to remove multiple occurrences within the time_difference window. Check get_available_timestamps for more info.
feature (None | str | Feature) –
kwargs (Any) –