This module implements feature types used in EOPatch objects
- class eolearn.core.constants.EnumWithDeprecations(cls, bases, classdict, **kwds)[source]
A custom EnumMeta class for catching the deprecated Enum members of the FeatureType Enum class.
- class eolearn.core.constants.FeatureType(value, *args, **kwargs)[source]
The Enum class of all possible feature types that can be included in EOPatch.
- List of feature types:
DATA with shape t x n x m x d: time- and position-dependent remote sensing data (e.g. bands) of type float
MASK with shape t x n x m x d: time- and position-dependent mask (e.g. ground truth, cloud/shadow mask, super pixel identifier) of type int
SCALAR with shape t x s: time-dependent and position-independent remote sensing data (e.g. weather data,) of type float
LABEL with shape t x s: time-dependent and position-independent label (e.g. ground truth) of type int
VECTOR: a list of time-dependent vector shapes in shapely.geometry classes
DATA_TIMELESS with shape n x m x d: time-independent and position-dependent remote sensing data (e.g. elevation model) of type float
MASK_TIMELESS with shape n x m x d: time-independent and position-dependent mask (e.g. ground truth, region of interest mask) of type int
SCALAR_TIMELESS with shape s: time-independent and position-independent remote sensing data of type float
LABEL_TIMELESS with shape s: time-independent and position-independent label of type int
VECTOR_TIMELESS: time-independent vector shapes in shapely.geometry classes
META_INFO: dictionary of additional info (e.g. resolution, time difference)
BBOX: bounding box of the patch which is an instance of sentinelhub.BBox
TIMESTAMPS: list of dates which are instances of datetime.datetime
- Parameters:
value (str) –
args (Any) –
kwargs (Any) –
- Return type:
- DATA = 'data'
- MASK = 'mask'
- SCALAR = 'scalar'
- LABEL = 'label'
- VECTOR = 'vector'
- DATA_TIMELESS = 'data_timeless'
- MASK_TIMELESS = 'mask_timeless'
- SCALAR_TIMELESS = 'scalar_timeless'
- LABEL_TIMELESS = 'label_timeless'
- VECTOR_TIMELESS = 'vector_timeless'
- META_INFO = 'meta_info'
- BBOX = 'bbox'
- TIMESTAMPS = 'timestamps'
- classmethod has_value(value)[source]
True if value is in FeatureType values. False otherwise.
- Parameters:
value (str) –
- Return type:
- is_spatial()[source]
True if FeatureType has a spatial component. False otherwise.
- Return type:
- is_timeless()[source]
True if FeatureType doesn’t have a time component and is not a meta feature. False otherwise.
- Return type:
- is_discrete()[source]
True if FeatureType should have discrete (integer) values. False otherwise.
- Return type:
- is_meta()[source]
True if FeatureType is for storing metadata info and False otherwise.
- Return type:
- is_array()[source]
True if FeatureType stores a dictionary with array data. False otherwise.
- Return type:
- is_image()[source]
True if FeatureType stores a dictionary with arrays that represent images. False otherwise.
- Return type:
- is_raster()[source]
True if FeatureType stores a dictionary with raster data. False otherwise.
- Return type:
- contains_ndarrays()[source]
True if FeatureType stores a dictionary of numpy.ndarrays. False otherwise.
- Return type:
- class eolearn.core.constants.PermissionsWithDeprecations(cls, bases, classdict, **kwds)[source]
A custom EnumMeta class for catching the deprecated Enum members of the OverwritePermission Enum class.
- class eolearn.core.constants.OverwritePermission(value, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Enum class which specifies which content of the saved EOPatch can be overwritten when saving new content.
Permissions are in the following hierarchy:
ADD_ONLY - Only new features can be added, anything that is already saved cannot be changed.
OVERWRITE_FEATURES - Overwrite only data for features which have to be saved. The remaining content of saved EOPatch will stay unchanged.
- Parameters:
value (str) –
args (Any) –
kwargs (Any) –
- Return type: