Source code for eolearn.core.utils.fs

A module implementing utilities for working with different filesystems

Copyright (c) 2017- Sinergise and contributors
For the full list of contributors, see the CREDITS file in the root directory of this source tree.

This source code is licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import os
import pickle
import threading
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import Any

import fs
from boto3 import Session
from fs.base import FS
from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS
from fs.tempfs import TempFS
from fs_s3fs import S3FS

from sentinelhub import SHConfig

# because we access internals when pickling FS
# ruff: noqa: SLF001

[docs]def get_filesystem(path: str | Path, create: bool = False, config: SHConfig | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> FS: """A utility function for initializing any type of filesystem object with PyFilesystem2 package. :param path: A filesystem path :param create: If the filesystem path doesn't exist this flag indicates to either create it or raise an error :param config: A configuration object with AWS credentials :param kwargs: Any keyword arguments to be passed forward :return: A filesystem object """ if isinstance(path, Path): path = str(path) if is_s3_path(path): return load_s3_filesystem(path, config=config, **kwargs) return fs.open_fs(path, create=create, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_base_filesystem_and_path(*path_parts: str, **kwargs: Any) -> tuple[FS, str]: """Parses multiple strings that define a filesystem path and returns a filesystem object with a relative path on the filesystem. :param path_parts: One or more strings defining a filesystem path :param kwargs: Parameters passed to get_filesystem function :return: A filesystem object and a relative path """ path_parts = tuple(str(part).rstrip("/") for part in path_parts if part is not None) base_path = path_parts[0] if "://" in base_path: base_path_parts = base_path.split("/", 3) filesystem_path = "/".join(base_path_parts[:-1]) relative_path = "/".join([base_path_parts[-1], *path_parts[1:]]) return get_filesystem(filesystem_path, **kwargs), relative_path entire_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*path_parts)) pure_path = PurePath(entire_path) posix_path = pure_path.relative_to(pure_path.anchor).as_posix() filesystem_path = base_path.split("\\")[0] if "\\" in base_path else "/" return get_filesystem(filesystem_path, **kwargs), posix_path
[docs]def load_s3_filesystem( path: str, strict: bool = False, config: SHConfig | None = None, aws_profile: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> S3FS: """Loads AWS s3 filesystem from a path. :param path: A path to a folder on s3 bucket that will be the base folder in this filesystem :param strict: If `True` the filesystem will be making additional checks to the s3. Default is `False`. :param config: A configuration object with AWS credentials. By default, is set to None and in this case the default configuration will be taken. :param aws_profile: A name of AWS profile. If given, AWS credentials will be taken from there. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that will be used to initialize `fs_s3fs.S3FS` object, e.g. `acl`, `upload_args`, `download_args`, etc. :return: A S3 filesystem object """ if not is_s3_path(path): raise ValueError(f"AWS path has to start with s3:// but found '{path}'.") config = config or SHConfig() if aws_profile: config = get_aws_credentials(aws_profile, config=config) path_chunks = path.split("/", 3)[2:] bucket_name = path_chunks[0] dir_path = path_chunks[1] if len(path_chunks) > 1 else "/" return S3FS( bucket_name=bucket_name, dir_path=dir_path, aws_access_key_id=config.aws_access_key_id or None, aws_secret_access_key=config.aws_secret_access_key or None, aws_session_token=config.aws_session_token or None, strict=strict, **kwargs, )
[docs]def get_aws_credentials(aws_profile: str, config: SHConfig | None = None) -> SHConfig: """Collects credentials from AWS profile and adds them to an instance of SHConfig. :param aws_profile: A name of AWS profile :param config: If existing config object is given credentials will be added to its copy, otherwise a new config object will be created. :return: A config object with AWS credentials that have been loaded from AWS profile. """ config = config.copy() if config else SHConfig() aws_session = Session(profile_name=aws_profile) aws_credentials = aws_session.get_credentials() config.aws_access_key_id = aws_credentials.access_key or "" config.aws_secret_access_key = aws_credentials.secret_key or "" config.aws_session_token = aws_credentials.token or "" return config
[docs]def pickle_fs(filesystem: FS) -> bytes: """By default, a filesystem object cannot be pickled because it contains a thread lock and optionally some other unserializable objects. This function removes all unserializable objects before pickling the filesystem object. :param filesystem: A filesystem object to pickle. :return: A pickle of a filesystem object in bytes. """ if not isinstance(filesystem, FS): raise ValueError(f"Given filesystem object should be an instance of a class derived from {FS}") filesystem = copy.copy(filesystem) # pylint: disable=protected-access filesystem._lock = None # type: ignore[assignment] if isinstance(filesystem, S3FS): filesystem._tlocal = None if isinstance(filesystem, MemoryFS): filesystem.root.lock = None # type: ignore[assignment] if isinstance(filesystem, TempFS): # The filesystem object is a copy of the original and isn't referenced outside this function. If we don't # deactivate auto-cleaning it will delete the temporary folder at the end of this function just before it # gets deleted by the garbage collector. filesystem._auto_clean = False try: return pickle.dumps(filesystem) except TypeError as exception: raise NotImplementedError(f"Serialization of {type(filesystem)} is not yet supported") from exception
[docs]def unpickle_fs(pickled_filesystem: bytes) -> FS: """An inverse function of `pickle_fs` function. After unpickling a filesystem object it adds back all unserializable objects that were previously removed by `pickle_fs`. :param pickled_filesystem: Bytes that represent a pickled filesystem object. :return: Unpickled filesystem object. """ filesystem = pickle.loads(pickled_filesystem) if not isinstance(filesystem, FS): raise ValueError # pylint: disable=protected-access filesystem._lock = threading.RLock() if isinstance(filesystem, S3FS): filesystem._tlocal = threading.local() if isinstance(filesystem, MemoryFS): filesystem.root.lock = threading.RLock() return filesystem
[docs]def get_full_path(filesystem: FS, relative_path: str) -> str: """Given a filesystem object and a path, relative to the filesystem it provides a full path.""" if isinstance(filesystem, S3FS): # pylint: disable=protected-access return join_path(f"s3://{filesystem._bucket_name}", filesystem.dir_path, relative_path) return os.path.normpath(filesystem.getsyspath(relative_path))
[docs]def join_path(*path_parts: str) -> str: """A utility function for joining a path that is either local or S3. :param path_parts: Partial paths where the first part will be used to decide if it is an S3 path or a local path :return: Joined path that is also normalized and absolute. """ if is_s3_path(path_parts[0]): path_parts = tuple((part[5:] if index == 0 else part) for index, part in enumerate(path_parts)) path = "/".join(part.strip("/") for part in path_parts) path = fs.path.normpath(path) return f"s3://{path}" # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*path_parts))
[docs]def split_all_extensions(path: str) -> tuple[str, str]: """Similar to `os.path.splitext` but takes into account double extensions such as `.json.gz`.""" extensions = "".join(Path(path).suffixes) suffixless_path = path[: -len(extensions)] if extensions else path # use `removesuffix` once we drop 3.8 support return suffixless_path, extensions
[docs]def is_s3_path(path: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the path points to a S3 bucket, False otherwise.""" return path.startswith("s3://")