Source code for eolearn.mask.masking

Module for creating mask features

Copyright (c) 2017- Sinergise and contributors
For the full list of contributors, see the CREDITS file in the root directory of this source tree.

This source code is licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Iterable, Literal

import numpy as np

from eolearn.core import EOPatch, EOTask, FeatureType, ZipFeatureTask
from eolearn.core.types import Feature, FeaturesSpecification, SingleFeatureSpec
from eolearn.core.utils.parsing import parse_renamed_feature

[docs]class JoinMasksTask(ZipFeatureTask): """Joins together masks with the provided logical operation.""" def __init__( self, input_features: FeaturesSpecification, output_feature: Feature, join_operation: Literal["and", "or", "xor"] | Callable = "and", ): """ :param input_features: Mask features to be joined together. :param output_feature: Feature to which to save the joined mask. :param join_operation: How to join masks. Supports `'and'`, `'or'`, `'xor'`, or a `Callable` object. """ self.join_method: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray] if isinstance(join_operation, str): methods: dict[str, Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = { "and": np.logical_and, "or": np.logical_or, "xor": np.logical_xor, } if join_operation not in methods: raise ValueError( f"Join operation {join_operation} is not a viable choice. For operations other than {list(methods)}" "the user must provide a `Callable` object." ) self.join_method = methods[join_operation] else: self.join_method = join_operation super().__init__(input_features, output_feature)
[docs] def zip_method(self, *masks: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Joins masks using the provided operation""" final_mask, *masks_to_join = masks for mask in masks_to_join: final_mask = self.join_method(final_mask, mask) return final_mask
[docs]class MaskFeatureTask(EOTask): """Masks out values of a feature using defined values of a given mask feature. As an example, it can be used to mask the data feature using values from the Sen2cor Scene Classification Layer (SCL). Contributor: Johannes Schmid, GeoVille Information Systems GmbH, 2018 """ def __init__( self, feature: SingleFeatureSpec, mask_feature: Feature, mask_values: Iterable[int], no_data_value: float = np.nan, ): """ :param feature: A feature to be masked with optional new feature name :param mask_feature: Masking feature. Values of this mask will be used to mask values of `feature` :param mask_values: List of values of `mask_feature` to be used for masking `feature` :param no_data_value: Value that replaces masked values in `feature`. Default is `NaN` :return: The same `eopatch` instance with a masked array """ self.renamed_feature = parse_renamed_feature(feature) self.mask_feature = self.parse_feature(mask_feature) self.mask_values = mask_values self.no_data_value = no_data_value if not isinstance(self.mask_values, list): raise ValueError("Incorrect format or values of argument 'mask_values'")
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """Mask values of `feature` according to the `mask_values` in `mask_feature` :param eopatch: `eopatch` to be processed :return: Same `eopatch` instance with masked `feature` """ feature_type, feature_name, new_feature_name = self.renamed_feature mask_feature_type, mask_feature_name = self.mask_feature data = np.copy(eopatch[feature_type][feature_name]) mask = eopatch[mask_feature_type][mask_feature_name] for value in self.mask_values: data = apply_mask(data, mask, value, self.no_data_value, feature_type, mask_feature_type) eopatch[feature_type][new_feature_name] = data return eopatch
[docs]def apply_mask( data: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, old_value: float, new_value: float, data_type: FeatureType, mask_type: FeatureType, ) -> np.ndarray: """A general masking function :param data: A data feature :param mask: A mask feature :param old_value: An old value in data that will be replaced :param new_value: A new value that will replace the old value in data :param data_type: A data feature type :param mask_type: A mask feature type """ if not (data_type.is_spatial() and mask_type.is_spatial()): raise ValueError("Masking with non-spatial data types is not yet supported") if data_type.is_timeless() and mask_type.is_temporal(): raise ValueError("Cannot mask timeless data feature with time dependent mask feature") if data.shape[-3:-1] != mask.shape[-3:-1]: raise ValueError("Data feature and mask feature have different spatial dimensions") if mask_type.is_temporal() and data.shape[0] != mask.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Data feature and mask feature have different temporal dimensions") if mask.shape[-1] == data.shape[-1]: data[..., mask == old_value] = new_value elif mask.shape[-1] == 1: data[..., mask[..., 0] == old_value, :] = new_value else: raise ValueError( f"Mask feature has {mask.shape[-1]} number of bands while data feature has {data.shape[-1]} number of bands" ) return data