The package requires Python version >=3.8.
Before installing eo-learn
on Linux it is recommended to install the following system libraries:
sudo apt-get install gcc libgdal-dev graphviz proj-bin libproj-dev libspatialindex-dev
Mac OS
Before installing eo-learn
on Mac OS
it is recommended to install the following system libraries with Homebrew:
brew install graphviz gcc gdal cmake spatialindex proj
Before installing eo-learn
on Windows it is recommended to install the following packages from Unofficial Windows wheels repository:
PyPI distribution
is available on PyPI and can be installed with:
pip install eo-learn
For some modules there are extra dependencies available, related to specific tasks. These were kept separate in order to keep the eo-learn
installation light. You can install these with, e.g.:
pip install "eo-learn[EXTRA]"
pip install "eo-learn[VISUALIZATION]"
The full list (including their descriptions) is available here:
for installing ray and its dependenciesZARR
for installing the zarr functionality for chunked timestamp saving/loadingEXTRA
for installing interpolation- and clustering-specific dependencies, or for installings2cloudless
in cloud maskingVISUALIZATION
for using plotting libraries and utilitiesFULL
for installing all dependencies described so farDOCS
for developers, dependencies for building documentationDEV
for developers, dependencies for testing and code contribution
Conda Forge distribution
The package requires a Python environment >=3.8.
Thanks to the maintainers of the conda forge feedstock (@benhuff, @dcunn, @mwilson8, @oblute, @rluria14), eo-learn
be installed using conda-forge
as follows:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install eo-learn
Run with Docker
A docker image with the latest released version of eo-learn
is available at Docker Hub. It provides a full installation of eo-learn
together with a Jupyter notebook environment. You can pull and run it with:
docker pull sentinelhub/eolearn:latest
docker run -p 8888:8888 sentinelhub/eolearn:latest
An extended version of the latest
image additionally contains all example notebooks and data to get you started with eo-learn
. Run it with:
docker pull sentinelhub/eolearn:latest-examples
docker run -p 8888:8888 sentinelhub/eolearn:latest-examples
Both docker images can also be built manually from GitHub repository:
docker build -f docker/eolearn.dockerfile . --tag=sentinelhub/eolearn:latest
docker build -f docker/eolearn-examples.dockerfile . --tag=sentinelhub/eolearn:latest-examples