Source code for eolearn.core.core_tasks

A collection of most basic EOTasks

Copyright (c) 2017- Sinergise and contributors
For the full list of contributors, see the CREDITS file in the root directory of this source tree.

This source code is licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import datetime as dt
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Literal, Tuple, Union, cast

import fs
import numpy as np
from fs.base import FS
from typing_extensions import deprecated

from sentinelhub import SHConfig

from .constants import FeatureType, OverwritePermission
from .eodata import EOPatch
from .eodata_merge import merge_eopatches
from .eotask import EOTask
from .exceptions import EODeprecationWarning
from .types import EllipsisType, Feature, FeaturesSpecification
from .utils.fs import get_filesystem, pickle_fs, unpickle_fs

[docs]class CopyTask(EOTask): """Makes a (shallow or deep) copy of the given EOPatch. It copies feature type dictionaries but not the data itself. """ def __init__( self, features: FeaturesSpecification = ..., *, deep: bool = False, copy_timestamps: bool | Literal["auto"] = "auto", ): """ :param features: A collection of features or feature types that will be copied into a new EOPatch. :param deep: Whether the copy should be a deep or shallow copy. """ self.features = features self.deep = deep self.copy_timestamps = copy_timestamps
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: return eopatch.copy(features=self.features, deep=self.deep, copy_timestamps=self.copy_timestamps)
[docs]@deprecated( "Use `CopyTask` with the configuration `deep=True` instead of `DeepCopyTask`.", category=EODeprecationWarning ) class DeepCopyTask(CopyTask): """[DEPRECATED] Makes a deep copy of the given EOPatch."""
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: return eopatch.copy(features=self.features, deep=True)
[docs]class IOTask(EOTask, metaclass=ABCMeta): """An abstract Input/Output task that can handle a path and a filesystem object.""" def __init__(self, path: str, filesystem: FS | None = None, create: bool = False, config: SHConfig | None = None): """ :param path: root path where all EOPatches are saved :param filesystem: An existing filesystem object. If not given it will be initialized according to the EOPatch path. :param create: If the filesystem path doesn't exist this flag indicates to either create it or raise an error :param config: A configuration object with AWS credentials. By default, is set to None and in this case the default configuration will be taken. """ self.path = path self.filesystem_path = "/" if filesystem is None else self.path self._pickled_filesystem = None if filesystem is None else pickle_fs(filesystem) self._create_path = create self.config = config @property def filesystem(self) -> FS: """A filesystem property that unpickles an existing filesystem definition or creates a new one.""" if self._pickled_filesystem is None: filesystem = get_filesystem(self.path, create=self._create_path, config=self.config) self._pickled_filesystem = pickle_fs(filesystem) return filesystem return unpickle_fs(self._pickled_filesystem)
[docs]class SaveTask(IOTask): """Saves the given EOPatch to a filesystem.""" def __init__( self, path: str, filesystem: FS | None = None, config: SHConfig | None = None, features: FeaturesSpecification = ..., overwrite_permission: OverwritePermission = OverwritePermission.ADD_ONLY, *, save_timestamps: bool | Literal["auto"] = "auto", use_zarr: bool = False, temporal_selection: None | slice | list[int] | Literal["infer"] = None, compress_level: int | None = None, ): """ :param path: root path where all EOPatches are saved :param filesystem: An existing filesystem object. If not given it will be initialized according to the path. :param config: A configuration object with AWS credentials. By default, is set to None and in this case the default configuration will be taken. :param features: A collection of features types specifying features of which type will be saved. By default, all features will be saved. :param overwrite_permission: A level of permission for overwriting an existing EOPatch to 9 (highest compression). :save_timestamps: Save the timestamps of the EOPatch. With the `"auto"` setting timestamps are saved if `features=...` or if other temporal features are being saved. :param use_zarr: Saves numpy-array based features into Zarr files. Requires ZARR extra dependencies. :param temporal_selection: Writes all of the data to the chosen temporal indices of preexisting arrays. Can be used for saving data in multiple steps for memory optimization. When set to `"infer"` it will match the timestamps of the EOPatch to the timestamps of the stored EOPatch to calculate indices. """ self.features = features self.overwrite_permission = overwrite_permission self.use_zarr = use_zarr self.temporal_selection = temporal_selection self.save_timestamps = save_timestamps super().__init__(path, filesystem=filesystem, create=True, config=config) if compress_level is not None: warnings.warn( "The `compress_level` parameter has been deprecated, data is now compressed by default.", category=EODeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, )
[docs] def execute( self, eopatch: EOPatch, *, eopatch_folder: str = "", temporal_selection: None | slice | list[int] | Literal["infer"] | EllipsisType = ..., ) -> EOPatch: """Saves the EOPatch to disk: `folder/eopatch_folder`. :param eopatch: EOPatch which will be saved :param eopatch_folder: Name of EOPatch folder containing data. :param temporal_selection: Overrides the `temporal_selection` parameter of task. :return: The same EOPatch """ path = fs.path.combine(self.filesystem_path, eopatch_folder) temporal_selection = self.temporal_selection if temporal_selection is ... else temporal_selection path, filesystem=self.filesystem, features=self.features, overwrite_permission=self.overwrite_permission, save_timestamps=self.save_timestamps, use_zarr=self.use_zarr, temporal_selection=temporal_selection, ) return eopatch
[docs]class LoadTask(IOTask): """Loads an EOPatch from a filesystem.""" def __init__( self, path: str, filesystem: FS | None = None, config: SHConfig | None = None, features: FeaturesSpecification = ..., lazy_loading: bool = False, *, load_timestamps: bool | Literal["auto"] = "auto", temporal_selection: None | slice | list[int] | Callable[[list[dt.datetime]], list[bool]] = None, ): """ :param path: root directory where all EOPatches are saved :param filesystem: An existing filesystem object. If not given it will be initialized according to the EOPatch path. If you intend to run this task in multiprocessing mode you shouldn't specify this parameter. :param config: A configuration object with AWS credentials. By default, is set to None and in this case the default configuration will be taken. :param features: A collection of features to be loaded. By default, all features will be loaded. :param lazy_loading: If `True` features will be lazy loaded. :load_timestamps: Load the timestamps of the EOPatch. With the `"auto"` setting timestamps are loaded if `features=...` or if other temporal features are being loaded. :param temporal_selection: Only loads data corresponding to the chosen indices. Can also be a callable that, given a list of timestamps, returns a list of booleans declaring which temporal slices to load. """ self.features = features self.lazy_loading = lazy_loading self.temporal_selection = temporal_selection self.load_timestamps = load_timestamps super().__init__(path, filesystem=filesystem, create=False, config=config)
[docs] def execute( self, eopatch: EOPatch | None = None, *, eopatch_folder: str = "", temporal_selection: None | slice | list[int] | Callable[[list[dt.datetime]], list[bool]] | EllipsisType = ..., ) -> EOPatch: """Loads the EOPatch from disk: `folder/eopatch_folder`. :param eopatch: Optional input EOPatch. If given the loaded features are merged onto it, otherwise a new EOPatch is created. :param eopatch_folder: Name of EOPatch folder containing data. :param temporal_selection: Overrides the `temporal_selection` parameter of task. :return: EOPatch loaded from disk """ path = fs.path.combine(self.filesystem_path, eopatch_folder) temporal_selection = self.temporal_selection if temporal_selection is ... else temporal_selection loaded_patch = EOPatch.load( path, filesystem=self.filesystem, features=self.features, lazy_loading=self.lazy_loading, temporal_selection=temporal_selection, load_timestamps=self.load_timestamps, ) return loaded_patch if eopatch is None else merge_eopatches(eopatch, loaded_patch)
[docs]class AddFeatureTask(EOTask): """Adds a feature to the given EOPatch.""" def __init__(self, feature: Feature): """ :param feature: Feature to be added """ self.feature = self.parse_feature(feature)
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch, data: object) -> EOPatch: """Returns the EOPatch with added features. :param eopatch: input EOPatch :param data: data to be added to the feature :return: input EOPatch with the specified feature """ eopatch[self.feature] = data return eopatch
[docs]class RemoveFeatureTask(EOTask): """Removes one or multiple features from the given EOPatch.""" def __init__(self, features: FeaturesSpecification): """ :param features: A collection of features to be removed. """ self.feature_parser = self.get_feature_parser(features)
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """Returns the EOPatch with removed features. :param eopatch: input EOPatch :return: input EOPatch without the specified feature """ for feature in self.feature_parser.get_features(eopatch): del eopatch[feature] return eopatch
[docs]class RenameFeatureTask(EOTask): """Renames one or multiple features from the given EOPatch.""" def __init__(self, features: FeaturesSpecification): """ :param features: A collection of features to be renamed. """ self.feature_parser = self.get_feature_parser(features)
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """Returns the EOPatch with renamed features. :param eopatch: input EOPatch :return: input EOPatch with the renamed features """ for feature_type, feature_name, new_feature_name in self.feature_parser.get_renamed_features(eopatch): eopatch[feature_type][new_feature_name] = eopatch[feature_type][feature_name] del eopatch[feature_type][feature_name] return eopatch
[docs]class DuplicateFeatureTask(EOTask): """Duplicates one or multiple features in an EOPatch.""" def __init__(self, features: FeaturesSpecification, deep_copy: bool = False): """ :param features: A collection of features to be copied. :param deep_copy: Make a deep copy of feature's data if set to true, else just assign it. """ self.feature_parser = self.get_feature_parser(features) self.deep = deep_copy
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """Returns the EOPatch with copied features. :param eopatch: Input EOPatch :return: Input EOPatch with the duplicated features. :raises ValueError: Raises an exception when trying to duplicate a feature with an already existing feature name. """ for feature_type, feature_name, new_feature_name in self.feature_parser.get_renamed_features(eopatch): if new_feature_name in eopatch[feature_type]: raise ValueError(f"A feature named '{new_feature_name}' already exists.") if self.deep: eopatch[feature_type][new_feature_name] = copy.deepcopy(eopatch[feature_type][feature_name]) else: eopatch[feature_type][new_feature_name] = eopatch[feature_type][feature_name] return eopatch
[docs]class InitializeFeatureTask(EOTask): """Initializes the values of a feature. Example: .. code-block:: python InitializeFeature((FeatureType.DATA, 'data1'), shape=(5, 10, 10, 3), init_value=3) # Initialize data of the same shape as (FeatureType.DATA, 'data1') InitializeFeature((FeatureType.MASK, 'mask1'), shape=(FeatureType.DATA, 'data1'), init_value=1) """ def __init__( self, features: FeaturesSpecification, shape: tuple[int, ...] | Feature, init_value: int = 0, dtype: np.dtype | type = np.uint8, ): """ :param features: A collection of features to initialize. :param shape: A shape object (t, n, m, d) or a feature from which to read the shape. :param init_value: A value with which to initialize the array of the new feature. :param dtype: Type of array values. :raises ValueError: Raises an exception when passing the wrong shape argument. """ self.features = self.parse_features(features) self.shape_feature: tuple[FeatureType, str | None] | None self.shape: None | tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] try: self.shape_feature = self.parse_feature(shape) # type: ignore[arg-type] except ValueError: self.shape_feature = None if self.shape_feature: self.shape = None elif isinstance(shape, tuple) and len(shape) in (3, 4) and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in shape): self.shape = cast(Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]], shape) else: raise ValueError("shape argument is not a shape tuple or a feature containing one.") self.init_value = init_value self.dtype = dtype
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """ :param eopatch: Input EOPatch. :return: Input EOPatch with the initialized additional features. """ shape = eopatch[self.shape_feature].shape if self.shape_feature else self.shape add_features = set(self.features) - set(self.parse_features(eopatch.get_features())) for feature in add_features: eopatch[feature] = np.ones(shape, dtype=self.dtype) * self.init_value return eopatch
[docs]class MoveFeatureTask(EOTask): """Task to copy/deepcopy fields from one EOPatch to another.""" def __init__(self, features: FeaturesSpecification, deep_copy: bool = False): """ :param features: A collection of features to be moved. :param deep_copy: Make a deep copy of feature's data if set to true, else just assign it. """ self.feature_parser = self.get_feature_parser(features) self.deep = deep_copy
[docs] def execute(self, src_eopatch: EOPatch, dst_eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """ :param src_eopatch: Source EOPatch from which to take features. :param dst_eopatch: Destination EOPatch to which to move/copy features. :return: dst_eopatch with the additional features from src_eopatch. """ for feature in self.feature_parser.get_features(src_eopatch): if self.deep: dst_eopatch[feature] = copy.deepcopy(src_eopatch[feature]) else: dst_eopatch[feature] = src_eopatch[feature] return dst_eopatch
[docs]class TemporalSubsetTask(EOTask): """Extracts a temporal subset of the EOPatch.""" def __init__( self, timestamps: None | list[dt.datetime] | list[int] | Callable[[list[dt.datetime]], Iterable[bool]] = None ): """ :param timestamps: Input for the `temporal_subset` method of EOPatch. Can also be provided in execution arguments. Value in execution arguments takes precedence. """ self.timestamps = timestamps
[docs] def execute( self, eopatch: EOPatch, *, timestamps: None | list[dt.datetime] | list[int] | Callable[[list[dt.datetime]], Iterable[bool]] = None, ) -> EOPatch: timestamps = timestamps if timestamps is not None else self.timestamps if timestamps is None: raise ValueError("Value for `timestamps` must be provided on initialization or as an execution argument.") return eopatch.temporal_subset(timestamps)
[docs]class MapFeatureTask(EOTask): """Applies a function to each feature in input_features of a patch and stores the results in a set of output_features. Example using inheritance: .. code-block:: python class MultiplyFeatures(MapFeatureTask): def map_method(self, f): return f * 2 multiply = MultiplyFeatures({FeatureType.DATA: ['f1', 'f2', 'f3']}, # input features {FeatureType.MASK: ['m1', 'm2', 'm3']}) # output features result = multiply(patch) Example using lambda: .. code-block:: python multiply = MapFeatureTask({FeatureType.DATA: ['f1', 'f2', 'f3']}, # input features {FeatureType.MASK: ['m1', 'm2', 'm3']}, # output features lambda f: f*2) # a function to apply to each feature result = multiply(patch) Example using a `np.max` and it's kwargs passed as arguments to the `MapFeatureTask`: .. code-block:: python maximum = MapFeatureTask((FeatureType.DATA: 'f1'), # input features (FeatureType.MASK, 'm1'), # output feature np.max, # a function to apply to each feature axis=0) # function's kwargs result = maximum(patch) """ def __init__( self, input_features: FeaturesSpecification, output_features: FeaturesSpecification, map_function: Callable | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ): """ :param input_features: A collection of the input features to be mapped. :param output_features: A collection of the output features to which to assign the output data. :param map_function: A function or lambda to be applied to the input data. :raises ValueError: Raises an exception when passing feature collections with different lengths. :param kwargs: kwargs to be passed to the map function. """ self.input_features = self.parse_features(input_features) self.output_features = self.parse_features(output_features) self.kwargs = kwargs if len(self.input_features) != len(self.output_features): raise ValueError("The number of input and output features must match.") if map_function: # mypy 0.981 has issues with inlined conditional and functions self.function: Callable = map_function else: self.function = self.map_method
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """ :param eopatch: Source EOPatch from which to read the data of input features. :return: An eopatch with the additional mapped features. """ for input_feature, output_feature in zip(self.input_features, self.output_features): eopatch[output_feature] = self.function(eopatch[input_feature], **self.kwargs) return eopatch
[docs] def map_method(self, feature: Any) -> Any: """A function that will be applied to the input features.""" raise NotImplementedError("map_method should be overridden.")
[docs]class ZipFeatureTask(EOTask): """Passes a set of input_features to a function, which returns a single features as a result and stores it in the given EOPatch. Example using inheritance: .. code-block:: python class CalculateFeatures(ZipFeatureTask): def zip_method(self, *f): return f[0] / (f[1] + f[2]) calc = CalculateFeatures({FeatureType.DATA: ['f1', 'f2', 'f3']}, # input features (FeatureType.MASK, 'm1')) # output feature result = calc(patch) Example using lambda: .. code-block:: python calc = ZipFeatureTask({FeatureType.DATA: ['f1', 'f2', 'f3']}, # input features (FeatureType.MASK, 'm1'), # output feature lambda f0, f1, f2: f0 / (f1 + f2)) # a function to apply to each feature result = calc(patch) Example using a `np.maximum` and it's kwargs passed as arguments to the `ZipFeatureTask`: .. code-block:: python maximum = ZipFeatureTask({FeatureType.DATA: ['f1', 'f2']}, # input features (FeatureType.MASK, 'm1'), # output feature np.maximum, # a function to apply to each feature dtype=np.float64) # function's kwargs result = maximum(patch) """ def __init__( self, input_features: FeaturesSpecification, output_feature: Feature, zip_function: Callable | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ): """ :param input_features: A collection of the input features to be mapped. :param output_feature: An output feature object to which to assign the data. :param zip_function: A function or lambda to be applied to the input data. :param kwargs: kwargs to be passed to the zip function. """ self.input_features = self.parse_features(input_features) self.output_feature = self.parse_feature(output_feature) self.kwargs = kwargs if zip_function: # mypy 0.981 has issues with inlined conditional and functions self.function: Callable = zip_function else: self.function = self.zip_method
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """ :param eopatch: Source EOPatch from which to read the data of input features. :return: An eopatch with the additional zipped features. """ data = [eopatch[feature] for feature in self.input_features] eopatch[self.output_feature] = self.function(*data, **self.kwargs) return eopatch
[docs] def zip_method(self, *features: Any) -> Any: """A function that will be applied to the input features if overridden.""" raise NotImplementedError("zip_method should be overridden.")
[docs]class MergeFeatureTask(ZipFeatureTask): """Merges multiple features together by concatenating their data along the specified axis."""
[docs] def zip_method(self, *f: np.ndarray, dtype: None | np.dtype | type = None, axis: int = -1) -> np.ndarray: """Concatenates the data of features along the specified axis.""" return np.concatenate(f, axis=axis, dtype=dtype) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
[docs]class ExtractBandsTask(MapFeatureTask): """Moves a subset of bands from one feature to a new one.""" def __init__(self, input_feature: FeaturesSpecification, output_feature: FeaturesSpecification, bands: list[int]): """ :param input_feature: A source feature from which to take the subset of bands. :param output_feature: An output feature to which to write the bands. :param bands: A list of bands to be moved. """ super().__init__(input_feature, output_feature) self.bands = bands
[docs] def map_method(self, feature: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if not all(band < feature.shape[-1] for band in self.bands): raise ValueError("Band index out of feature's dimensions.") return feature[..., self.bands]
[docs]class ExplodeBandsTask(EOTask): """Explode a subset of bands from one feature to multiple new features.""" def __init__( self, input_feature: Feature, output_mapping: dict[Feature, int | Iterable[int]], ): """ :param input_feature: A source feature from which to take the subset of bands. :param output_mapping: A mapping of output features into the band indices used to explode the input feature. """ self.input_feature = input_feature self.output_mapping = output_mapping
[docs] def execute(self, eopatch: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: for output_feature, bands in self.output_mapping.items(): new_bands = list(bands) if isinstance(bands, Iterable) else [bands] eopatch = ExtractBandsTask( input_feature=self.input_feature, output_feature=output_feature, bands=new_bands ).execute(eopatch) return eopatch
[docs]class CreateEOPatchTask(EOTask): """Creates an EOPatch."""
[docs] def execute(self, **kwargs: Any) -> EOPatch: """Returns a newly created EOPatch with the given kwargs. :param kwargs: Any valid kwargs accepted by :class:`EOPatch.__init__<eolearn.core.eodata.EOPatch>` :return: A new eopatch. """ return EOPatch(**kwargs)
[docs]class MergeEOPatchesTask(EOTask): """Merge content from multiple EOPatches into a single EOPatch. Check :func:`merge_eopatches<eolearn.core.eodata_merge.merge_eopatches>` for more information. """ def __init__(self, **merge_kwargs: Any): """ :param merge_kwargs: Keyword arguments defined for `merge_eopatches` function. """ self.merge_kwargs = merge_kwargs
[docs] def execute(self, *eopatches: EOPatch) -> EOPatch: """ :param eopatches: EOPatches to be merged :return: A new EOPatch with merged content """ if not eopatches: raise ValueError("At least one EOPatch should be given") return merge_eopatches(*eopatches, **self.merge_kwargs)